Friday, November 18, 2011


Yes, it is true. This may be my third blog in less than four years. Let us put this in a little perspective, shall we? In the past four years I have:

  • Moved 5 times (if you count conservatively)
  • Answered 3 different e-mail address
  • Lived in 4 states
  • Answered to 2 different cell phone numbers
  • Owned 2 cars
  • Changed my Spacebook...I mean Facebook...profile picture 14 times
  • Held 7 different jobs
So yes, there is a fickle streak in my blood. But you have to admit, 14 pictures in 4 years is a verrrryyyy low number of Facebook pictures. All in all, my blog count is leading the pack of stability for the past 4 years. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. 

Hopefully I will have the patience to stick with this blog for a long while. I tell myself that the next time I feel the urge to pick up and move, I really should just re-decorate. You Google Readers, hit that original item link every now and again, will ya? 

Speaking of re-decorating, I anticipate that this blog will host a few more craft projects and DIY goodies than the last one. The current hand-made happiness to-do list includes:
  • Christmas presents
  • Christmas tree
  • coat rack
  • coffee table
  • wall art
Stay tuned for successes and successful failures!

In addition to blogging, this is a time in my year when work slows down and I get to hunker down to do fun things like read and cook rather than travel and sweat. I am excited about the stillness of winter, just not the cold. I plan on sharing these adventures as well. The hibernation to-do list:
  • Read:
    • Water for Elephants
    • Life among the Paiutes
    • Hunger Games
    • The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
    • The Hours
  • Make
    • Pumpkin yeast bread
    • Christmas cookies
    • Palatable yoghurt 
What about you? What projects are in the works? Any book suggestions?


  1. I LOVED Hunger Games. I really hope you like them too. Also I started the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, but I couldn't get into it. I think you will, though, with all the biology.

    Also, I am currently reading through the Game of Thrones might like those, too. They are pretty long and intense, but I find them to be very interesting and, in a way, a can't-put-down kind of book. If that's possible for a book more than 500 pages long.

  2. Ha! We should start an online bookclub. I'm really excited about Hunger Games. I started G of T and just couldn't get into it, but Peter is reading them now and can't put them down. Maybe I'll have to give it a try again sometime. What else is on your reading list? Other book suggestions?
