Monday, January 16, 2012

2012 Calendar

My boyfriend and I have a tradition where every year I make him a calendar for Christmas. Last year's calendar was a collection of my favorite pictures from my first year in Nevada. It is funny how making a calendar like this ends up being a reflection of the year previous. 2010 was the year of pictures, so my 2011 calendar was made of photographs. 2011 was the year of building and DIY projects, thus it is only fitting that this year's calendar was made with plywood and paint chips.

You can only imagine my glee when it clicked that these paint chip strips had 7 colors on them and I thought "By golly, that's a calendar!" The most difficult part was taking all of the paint chips from Walmart. I know it is perfectly acceptable to do so (see Pinterest) I just felt like I ought to be surreptitious while taking 60 odd paint chips from the paint section. And honestly, the Walmart runs were longest part of the project. The rest of it was just figuring out the color schemes, gluing each month's color range to scrap paper, re-gluing December when I forgot how to count, and then figuring out a way to mount the non-current months on the back (yarn and finishing nails). The current month is mounted with 3M mounting strips, so they can be re-used month to month (you can even wash them to restore stickiness!).
I think this calendar will definitely be a fun way to pass the year. Photo credits to Peter for his excellent iPhone photography and for his willingness to be a blog pawn.


  1. Brilliant! I love the paint chips! Pinterest would be so proud of you!!!

  2. What a great idea Sarah! I hear you on taking paint chips. I just collect a few for various projects every time I'm at Home Depot. :)

  3. thanks! Now I have to find a project for all of the leftover chips. It should be fun!
